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Earth Wisdom Teachings - Pebble & Paddling Pool

Carlos Glover

Updated: Dec 22, 2024

Dreaming does not only take place at night; we’re dreaming all the time. What we call reality is a dream-field in which we are dreaming and being dreamed. We sow the dream-field with our thoughts, words, and deeds; these seeds are nurtured in the dark soil of Universal energy-consciousness, and their fruit emerges in consequence. What we experience is co-created with the rest of the Universe.

We live in a co-creative Universe. When we say “I am dreaming, it means that I am affecting the energy in and around me. All of my conscious- ness—images, feelings, and utterances—is rippling out and causing effects in the rest of the Universe. I influence what happens but can’t control the outcome, because countless other things are also influencing it. All things in the Universe are “dreaming;” we are creating together.

Life is always offering us challenges to help us grow strong. The consciousness with which we respond to them is a primary influence on how they turn out. Whatever action we choose, how we feel and think is of major importance. We can think of ourselves as victims or we can see our challenges as opportunities to empower ourselves and grow in wisdom. When we see that all things are interrelated in this mysterious, co-creative Universe we understand that we are both the dreamers and the dreamed. This puts us in the centre of our circle.

I once spoke about this to a group of schoolchildren while we were standing around a paddling pool. I asked them to imagine that the still water represented the energy within and all around us. Then I handed  out pebbles to represent our thoughts, words, and actions and said: “Let’s see what effect they have on this field of energy.”

We threw our pebbles in and watched the ripples emanating outwards, crossing and interacting with each other. One of the children remarked: “It’s like when you throw a coin in a wishing well!”

“Exactly,” I said. “Everything we think, say, and do ripples out into the energy field, but not all our thoughts come true, not in the way we expect. And it’s partly because everything else is making wishes too.”

Summery of Earth Wisdom Teachings from Carlos:

Revealing how our personal transformation serves the collective healing of our planet, author Carlos Philip Glover takes you on a journey of self-empowerment around the Medicine Wheel of Earth Wisdom to ignite your spirit fire, awaken new levels of consciousness, and inspire you to meet the challenges facing our modern world through deep inner work.

Based on teachings from the Maya, Toltec, and Olmec, each of the eight directions of the Medicine Wheel journey opens different aspects of your innate inner Earth Wisdom, including heart-knowing and your creative, sensory, emotional, and intuitive intelligences, allowing you to grow and deepen your relationship with the Earth and all life on it. The author explores practices such as deep listening, healing with the four elements, and making death an ally. Sharing stories from ancient traditions around the world, he describes how to uncover and transform your limiting beliefs, discover your animal teacher and its medicine, and access inner wisdom.

Explaining how consciousness has “field effects,” just as a magnet has a field around it, the author shows how, as each person awakens expanded states of consciousness in themselves, they influence the fields of consciousness around them, drawing other people into expanded states. In this way, the transformation of our collective human consciousness and the healing of Earth is achievable, one individual awakening at a time. A portion of the royalties for this book will support Survival International and Ehama Institute, New Mexico.

by Carlos Philip Glover

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1 opmerking

Laura Cuplin
Laura Cuplin
15 okt 2024

Thank you Cameron for the heads up. Just ordered my copy.

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